Services include:
- Preliminary Hydrogeologic investigations
- Percolation infiltration Basins Assessment
- Hydrology/Runoff/Erosion
- Hydraulic modeling of ground water resources
- Installation of test wells / Pump testing
- Water budget estimates
- Best Management Plan on-site water retention and detention system design
- Retention/Detention Basins
Our engineers and geologists provide practical guidance and efficient designs based on extensive experience in hydrology and hydrogeologic services field. We use industry standard investigation techniques and numerical modeling applications to evaluate surface water and groundwater flow for drainage control, construction de-watering, municipal water supply development, percolation/infiltration basins, and groundwater contamination remediation.
Hydrogeologic Projects

- Water Budget Analysis
- Reservoir Siting
- Subdrain Designs
- Dewatering Galleries
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Well Siting, Resources Exploration
- Aquifer Characterization
- Construction Documentation and Permits